Thursday, 1 November 2012

Ombre Hair !! L'Oreal Preference Wild Ombres ?? :/

Well , let me start it off with hello ... So hello :)
Ok so last week i had a slight obsession with Zoe or zoella as you may know her , you tube video's . Because she is wonderful and amazing ! She also has a remarkable successful and fabulous blog . So go check her out , and you really will thank me ! Because she is truly amazing  .

This is Zoe , isn't she beautiful ! So go follow her , now , now !!!! Leave go ! But please come back !!!!!!!!!!

Anyhow so i was watching all her videos even though i most of seen all but about 5 before :) But hey ho ! Ok so i was admiring her hair because she had it all ombre .And i had seen dip dye la , la , la , la , la . Which i wanted to do but the mother wouldn't let me :( TEAR ... So i decided to see if she would let me go blond on my ends and she said yes . I was still pondering about it in my head , things like what if it goes wrong what if i go ginger not blond what if my hair starts falling out ect . Then i was baby sitting one night looking through images of people with ombre hair and i thought sod it ( I'm going to try not to use " bad words " ) . So the next day was in boots ready to send my just spent money looking at the blond dyes . Which is when i spotted the new L'Oreal Preference Wild Ombres Kit , I hadn't heard any reviews on it at all i didn't know of it at all . So i picked it up had a read off the back , it sounded fine so i went for it and i brought in shade 2 , there where only 3 shades and it cost £6.99 which is really cheap so i was kind of scared because it was so cheap and it could be naff but then it was L'Oreal so i just brought it .  

                                            L'Oreal Preference Wild Ombres Shade Two ......

The kit inside 

Ok so inside it comes with a comb , 2 black gloves , 3 different potions not quite sure what they are ha ha and some shampoo :) 

Its all very easy the instructions say it all , its simple and straight  followed you apply it with the comb and leave in in for up to 45 Min's . Now this is where i went wrong !!! I put about half of the dye in my hair and i left it in for 25 - 30 Min's and i wash it out , blow dyed it and got very upset because there was a slight change but nothing really noticeable i will add photos of the progress now : 

    my hair before i did it .......

With the dye in ( not enough die ) !!!!

                              after wards , see no difference really a little bit ginger that's it really :(

 SO , as you can tell it didn't work so the next day my mum was out shopping and brought me some more the same shade . So i did it all again but i put every last bit of dye onto my ends and i combed it through but then with the gloves on i rubbed in in so there wouldn't be a line it would blend and i thought this would help it . Which it did !! I left it for about 50 Min's , a little more then i should have maybe this is why it turned out like it did , end results : 

YES ! My hair went fiery ginger !! :( I was like WOW !! I don't know what i did wrong here ? Is it because i left it 5 minuets longer ? Dose anybody know ? I don't mind it , it certainly  ombred my hair just not to the colour i wanted , when my ends become healthy again i will report back but for the meanwhile i wouldn't recommend this kit , as i didn't really do what it was meant to . Maybe that was my fault i don't know ... If anyone has any ideas of things they want me to do comment bellow , thanks for reading , i hope you liked it but i highly doubt you would be here if you didn't . So yeah .. I dunno how to end this ? I guess with goodbye ? So yeah , GOOD BYE :) .

Friday, 26 October 2012

About Me Tag


OK , so i guess you gathered m a newbie to this , and if you didn't i am :) . So please be nice .. Its kinda scary .. Ohhh ghosties  ;) hehe ... ANYWAY !! I'm Jessica - astepintobeauty and as my first postage on my blog i am going to do the wonderful tag , about me tag :) And i tag everyone who reads this to do it because its always nice to be tagged aye ? OK well i will stop blabbing on and get into it : 
  1. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead? Of course! I think its very sweet .
  2. A big poofy dress or a short party dress?Well it all depends on the advent but anyway i think a short party dress
  3. Are diamonds a girl's best friend? Yes , i think most girls would love a pair of diamond earrings , but me myself and i am very happy with my life as it is , i don't need diamonds not even fake ones !
  4. Is your hair up or down today? Today its up in a scruffy bun , But i like to have my hair down most off the time .
  5. Do you straighten your hair?Yes i do ! I love to have straight hair , but at the moment I'm giving my hair a brake from heat .
  6. Favourite mascara?  It changes all the time , but at the moment i would say essence i <3 extreme me .
  7. Do you get your nails done?Im one of those silly people who bite there nails , gross i know ! But if i am doing anything to my nails its always done by me .
  8. Small or large purses? LARGE!
  9. Jeans or sweats? This is an American about me tag so I'm guessing sweats are trackies ? So jeans , only if I'm going out , but really i don't like jeans i like leggings or jeggings .
  10. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that's uncomfortable? Only shoe's but i where jewelry that annoys me .
  11. Do you text message a lot? I never top up really , i spend my money of other stuff , but when i have credit , god all the time .
  12. Whats your favourite colour?It changes alot it was Pink for ages but i am licking deep red and creams this fall .
  13. Heels or flats? Flats !! i have 3 pairs of heals and i only wear those to party's .
  14. Would you ever leave the house without makeup on?Yes , now and again but i feel more me with all my makeup in , its like I'm a little nude without it .
  15. Boots / Super drug ? Boots baby ! So much more stuff to pick from , even though its a little more pricey
  16. Do you think lip gloss is the best!? No , not really . You properly are thinking what the hell did she just say . But i am so much more a lipstick girl 100% .
  17. Do you own any big sunglasses? Yes , i wouldn't be anywhere without them .
  18. Gold or silver? silver in winter and gold in summer , there we go , good answerer aye .
  19. Do you like to wear dresses? They're my favourite !
  20. would you kill for chocolate ? NO , but it is good .
  21. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping?10 !! Of coarse its a sport and a half !
  22. Do you yell a lot?No not really , now and again .
  23. Do you wear sweatpants/pyjamas to school/work? Neither .
  24. What makeup could you not live without? I have no clue , couldn't pick .
  25. Do you think you have the best friend ever? YES ! I really do ! I think .
  26. Do you fall in love easily?  Nope , not at all .
  27. Do you have cramps? No not really .
  28. how old are you ? 15 birthdays on the first of Feb so getting my way to 16 .
  29. Where do you live ? In England 
  30. Whats your style at the moment ? Boots , coats and jumpers with leggings England's freezing .
  31. Why did you start a blog ? Because i thought it looked like fun . 
  32. When you do your makeup what bit do you like the most ? My lipstick ! Its my baby 
  33. Top shop or New look ? New Look i can afford , but top shop has nicer stuff
  34. Twilight or harry potter ? I cant pick , i love them both . 
  35. Do you want your viewers to leave ideas for post's ? Of coarse ! I would love it . 
  36. favourite song right now ? Taylor Swift i new you where trouble 
  37. Birthday or Christmas ? CHRISTMAS , less then to months ! By a day but oh well . 
  38. Blusher or Bronzer ? Cant pick sorry . 
  39. Chick flicks or horrors ? CHICK FLICKS ! hate horrors so much ! 
  40. foundation or mascara ? Well i have mega long eyelashes , if you want a post on how to get your eyelashes long let me know , So .. oh its hard i think still mascara . 

Bye .. thanks for reading :) Till next time . Please leave comments and press the lovely follow botton ...........