Ok so last week i had a slight obsession with Zoe or zoella as you may know her , you tube video's . Because she is wonderful and amazing ! She also has a remarkable successful and fabulous blog . So go check her out , and you really will thank me ! Because she is truly amazing . http://www.zoella.co.uk/
This is Zoe , isn't she beautiful ! So go follow her , now , now !!!! Leave go ! But please come back !!!!!!!!!!
Anyhow so i was watching all her videos even though i most of seen all but about 5 before :) But hey ho ! Ok so i was admiring her hair because she had it all ombre .And i had seen dip dye la , la , la , la , la . Which i wanted to do but the mother wouldn't let me :( TEAR ... So i decided to see if she would let me go blond on my ends and she said yes . I was still pondering about it in my head , things like what if it goes wrong what if i go ginger not blond what if my hair starts falling out ect . Then i was baby sitting one night looking through images of people with ombre hair and i thought sod it ( I'm going to try not to use " bad words " ) . So the next day was in boots ready to send my just spent money looking at the blond dyes . Which is when i spotted the new L'Oreal Preference Wild Ombres Kit , I hadn't heard any reviews on it at all i didn't know of it at all . So i picked it up had a read off the back , it sounded fine so i went for it and i brought in shade 2 , there where only 3 shades and it cost £6.99 which is really cheap so i was kind of scared because it was so cheap and it could be naff but then it was L'Oreal so i just brought it .
The kit inside
Ok so inside it comes with a comb , 2 black gloves , 3 different potions not quite sure what they are ha ha and some shampoo :)
Its all very easy the instructions say it all , its simple and straight followed you apply it with the comb and leave in in for up to 45 Min's . Now this is where i went wrong !!! I put about half of the dye in my hair and i left it in for 25 - 30 Min's and i wash it out , blow dyed it and got very upset because there was a slight change but nothing really noticeable i will add photos of the progress now :
my hair before i did it .......
With the dye in ( not enough die ) !!!!
SO , as you can tell it didn't work so the next day my mum was out shopping and brought me some more the same shade . So i did it all again but i put every last bit of dye onto my ends and i combed it through but then with the gloves on i rubbed in in so there wouldn't be a line it would blend and i thought this would help it . Which it did !! I left it for about 50 Min's , a little more then i should have maybe this is why it turned out like it did , end results :
YES ! My hair went fiery ginger !! :( I was like WOW !! I don't know what i did wrong here ? Is it because i left it 5 minuets longer ? Dose anybody know ? I don't mind it , it certainly ombred my hair just not to the colour i wanted , when my ends become healthy again i will report back but for the meanwhile i wouldn't recommend this kit , as i didn't really do what it was meant to . Maybe that was my fault i don't know ... If anyone has any ideas of things they want me to do comment bellow , thanks for reading , i hope you liked it but i highly doubt you would be here if you didn't . So yeah .. I dunno how to end this ? I guess with goodbye ? So yeah , GOOD BYE :) .